Plan miasta Ferizaj

Ferizaj - Najnowsze wiadomości:

'Bill Clinton and God saved Kosovo'

Their camp 'Bondsteel' in Ferizaj (Serbian: Uroseva?) is the largest US military camp in Europe. It is leased for 99 years, and is thus strategically important in the long-term. It reaches across the whole of Kosovo with its two million ...
źródło: BlogSearch

'Bill Clinton and God saved Kosovo'

Their camp 'Bondsteel' in Ferizaj (Serbian: Uroseva?) is the largest US military camp in Europe. It is leased for 99 years, and is thus strategically important in the long-term. It reaches across the whole of Kosovo with its two million ...
źródło: BlogSearch

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feat.aila | featuring | feel | fejuarin | fejza | fejzullahu | fejzullau | female | females | fenomeno | ferari | ferati | fergie | ferguson | ferizaj | fernandez | ferrari | fest | festa | festat | festeggia | festen | festival ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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